1. you are 65. my age range states 34 - 39. why bother. i'm just going to shoot you down.
2. why would you have an interest if i am nothing for anyone? obviously i have nothing to give.
3. if i am overwhelming and confusing, you are stupid. go wink at a bunch of girls and find that lady who'd wink back at a bar.
4. you're 5' 7". enough said.
5. you like health food i like taco bell. non-starter.
6. you enjoy normal touchy feely adult pleasures. that's not normal. that's creepy to put in a profile.
7. you have a million dollar view of hollywood, does that mean you have a 500 square foot apartment in one of those lame buildings on hollywood blvd?
8. you are well connected with movie execs and agents. liar.
9. you claim you're a mature jazz guy. not mature enough to understand my profile. obviously you haven't read any of the philosophers: descartes, kierkegaard or nietzsche. if you had you'd have understood existentialism and my use thereof.
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