
October 13, 2010


hi rudy from monrovia.  i find it strange that you're looking for love in a place like match but can't be bothered to write a profile.  oh, i forgot, you said that you're "a nice guy looking for a nice girl to start a serious relationship with."  (dangling sentence, with whom to start a serious relationship.)  i mean c'mon, that's a total loser move.  who writes nothing?  at least make something up.  something funny.  something dumb.  something that tells me more than you're the most boring guy in the world.  ok, so you wrote a couple things in your message: you're a chemist who gets startled easily and likes john stewart.  and?  is that why we'd get along?  well it doesn't really matter because i would probably hate you anyway as i am biased by the fact that you live in monrovia.  i would have to commute an hour and a half to see you (i don't drive) in a city where, call me elitist, but 75% of the population didn't attend college and 25% of the population didn't finish high school.  why would i drive all that way when i can stay in cozy west hollywood with 53.2% of my educated brethren who did graduate from college?  oh, and i hate pink floyd, rammstein, cats, and divorcees.  it just wouldn't work out.

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