
December 31, 2010


dear michael.

please.  why did you challenge me to game of chess?  i specifically did NOT mention chess as one of the games i like in my profile because it is NOT one of the games i like.  so i do NOT accept your challenge, nor do i want to buy you a berry muffin or a large latte with four extra shots of "expresso" as you write it (it is properly spelled espresso).

now to your profile.  i really don't think we're anywhere near a fit.

first, i don't understand your calculation that there are two women on this site that are a fit for you... one at 38% because you both shop at costco (i don't shop there) and the other at 99% because you're not a dog lover, you're a dog hater (i have two dogs that i LOVE).  if i were anywhere close to being either of those two women, i would understand your message.  but i'm not.  so why write?

next, and this one is very hard for me to understand, you say that you "are NOT open minded," that you "live by the word of god."  since when did living by the word of god close anyone's mind?  you say that you are BLACK MAN who is muslim and that being muslim means "submitting oneself to the word of god."  wha' tha'?  the koran sets forth standards by  which to live, but does not force one to submit one's life to a close minded view of the world.  but as it seems to have closed yours, i have no interest in even conversing with a dog hater who misinterprets religious texts.  what, would i have to listen to you spout wisdom and accept it as the pure truth without debate?  and you say you're "selfish," you want your "woman all to yourself?" that is sick.

this is what you write under education:  "Seek Ye FIRST the Kingdom of God, and its Righteousness, and ALL things will be added unto You." "The Fear of The Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom". "I God, Am The Best Knower, This Book, there is no doubt in it, is a Guide to those who keep .....

huh?  is that a college i'm supposed to recognize?  did you receive your masters in righteousness?  your mba in fear?  your doctorate in "i god am the best knower?"

and under pets you write:  I'm really into Fasting, Praying, and Studying. How many men have you ever met in your life have asked you to go on a "Fast" with them? I believe in Elevating myself Mentally, Spiritually, and Physically. If we shut up we just might hear God.

is that an iguana or a pot belly pig?  no, i've never met a man who has asked me to fast with him and i hope i never do... i don't think i could go a month without taco bell.

and finally, for fun you collect silver.  would that be bullion or silverware?

in all honesty it's your closed mindedness and hatred for dogs that makes me dislike you.  i can appreciate one's respect for religion, for honoring it and living one's life by it, but i think you've taken it to the point where you want to possess a woman and force her into submission in order to live by your word.  boy did you pick the wrong girl to write to.

forget you ever saw my profile.

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