selfish. i think that's the best way to describe you. having this discussion via text is one of the more pathetic things i've come across in my life. and were i not a nicer person i would definitely post this on my blog. actually, i think i will. no pictures, no names, just words. of course, remember, you had to find the one girl with THAT blog.
you were a total jackoff three days in a row. you said you wanted to hang out. you knew you were going to be in the office late and that wasn't going to happen but you kept saying maybe, maybe, maybe, so i kept waiting, waiting, waiting. i told my assistant not to come around because you'd be here. when i asked you yesterday if you worked on weekends it was once again "maybe." you didn't mention that you golf until 2pm. nor did you mention that you have to be "selfish" on weekends. this could have been nipped in the bud day one of your crazy work week when you knew you didn't have time in your life for a relationship, but no, you had to draw it out because you don't deal well with confrontation. and now you're pathetically dealing with it via text. were you a stand up man you would've called and said "i'm sorry, i don't have time in my life for a relationship." that's what real people do. not people who run around texting all day saying "i'll get in touch with you later" at 9pm and then when you text them at midnight they reply half an hour later that they're going to bed.
you said it yourself, you're single for a reason and it's not going to change. work wins. then you win. but why do you want to win? this is life, the goal of life is not to win. it's all about people - they're the important things. and you have to MAKE time for important things. and important things are not golf. or shopping. or having 800 friends on facebook. people are the only real important things you can ever hope to hold close. not acquaintances. but the real friends who are there for you when you hit rock bottom. the girlfriend or boyfriend who kisses you in the morning before you've brushed your teeth. because those are the people with whom you really connect, and connection is the meaning of life. let me repeat, connection is the meaning of life. not more work, more money, more power, more me time. it's connection. and without connection life has no real meaning. so i'm sad for you that you'll never have that. because i know that someday i will.
I had a date with a guy who sounded just like that guy; right down to the delayed text responses! Hang in there girl. I found that connection with someone (we've been happily together for over a year now) and I know someday you will too. I love your blog. It helps me remember the humor of a process that at the time, mostly just felt annoying ;-)
i'm hangin' in....
luckily the day he ditched me, another guy called... so i the hangin' isn't so bad, lol.
lol, and so the world of internet dating continues to turn.. there's always a new possibility waiting in the inbox :-)
Psh, his loss. What a tool. If a guy's really and truly interested, he will make time for a girl he likes. Even if it's just a two-minute phone call to say, "Hey, can't talk long, but I'm thinking about you." Bam. Day made.
Excellent call on losing the loser. Keep on keepin' on.
lol. that was one of my responses after he blew me off for about 8 hours. i said, "you could have written 'done, heading home. why didn't you'?" and his response was, "cause i didn't want to just write done, heading home," lol. so instead he preferred to stand me up.
best of all... he blocked me from his aim early that night (we used to chat). can we say serious inability to deal with reality?
When I read his first letter, I thought, 'why is she posting this one? He could be a possibility.' Now that I've read the sequence, I have only one thing to say:
What. A. Douchebag.
poietes, i can always count in you to have my back. xx.
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