
January 3, 2011


Greetings Codenamejack,

I must confess that although your decision disappoints me - I respect your candor and directness - both of which are quite rare out here.

You referred to yourself as a grammar and spelling snob. This may be true - but I would say you are also fairly strict and demanding in your intolerance of mistakes. I do not say this as a criticism but merely as a neutral observation. I sense that whomever is with you would need to work quite hard to impress you and would need to be on his toes at all times. Am I correct on that?

For the record - I did type on my PDA - hence the misspelling of curiosity. Also for the record, your email to me contained a grammatical mistake of its own.

Codenamejack: "..or did you write the message on your pda and choose not reread it in order..."

I believe you meant to say "...and choose not TO reread it..."

One more thing - the words "under dog" in the 2nd to last sentence of your profile is missing the hyphen.

I don't know much about Jesus - but didn't he say something like, "Let she who is without typos cast the 1st stone" ;)


Anonymous said...

oh snap! but i thought underdog was one word. maybe only when He is a cartoon character. is it correct to capitalize "he" in this instance, or only when referring to Jesus? i do consider Underdog "one" of my many saviours. notice that i intentionally used the english, or English -- as in Olde English -- spelling of "savior." i know that periods and commas used to go on the inside of quotation marks, but i think the rules may have changed. *sigh* i fear i will never have a date with.......... codenamejack! damn you jack, our love will have to be limited to......... family dinners.
the lemur

matchmaker said...

oh lemur, sad but true. and what could have been....

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