
October 17, 2010


Hiya to you too Mike.  Who the hell says Hiya?!

Why do you call yourself Joey?  Doesn’t really matter, I was bothered more by your first sentence and how it just left me hanging than your name. “…that may lead to a date,” and then you just start another thought?  Totally annoying. 

My day has been great.  Lots of work – I’d say about 22 free online poker tourneys. And thank you for the compliment on my smile.  One may think one would have the pick of the crop, but when the crop is dead there’s not much left to pick.

So I read your profile and it seems you’ve read the book “The Secret” (which both Dave Chappelle and I despise). 

“Picture your life exactly the way you want it and then ask yourself. Am I doing the things that will take me there?”  Btw, that shouldn’t be two sentences.

Well I’ll just counter with Chappelle’s words, “what’s wrong with the children in Africa who haven’t eaten in five days?  They just need to visualize some roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy!”  Right.

I’m glad to hear of your accomplishments in the military, law enforcement, and finally starting a business in your one bedroom apartment.  Hopefully visualization will turn that into a mansion with 100 employees.  And as for the “one thing missing, someone who understands the finer things in life,” well perhaps you can visualize her in your mansion too and she’ll magically appear.

Unfortunately I don’t think our relationship is meant to be.  Since you’re done playing games I’m certain we won’t get along.  Playing Candyland, Chutes & Ladders, Connect Four, Sorry, Yahtzee and Old Maid are my favorite pastimes. 

Good luck in la-la land. 

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